It's bizarre to think that a week ago we were returning from South Africa. The trip was absolutely fantastic and the pupils were a credit to James Gillespie's High School. Things are now getting back to normality and this is the first opportunity I've had to post.
I'm aware that there was a lack of communication whilst we were away. Unfortunately this was down to time restrictions and an horrendous WiFi setup in our hotel. Some pupils began writing pieces but didn't manage to get them finished.
Now that the trip is over, it doesn't mean our experiences can't be shared. If anyone who was on the trip would like to write about anything that was significant to them, please do. You can hand it to me (Mr. Carstairs) on paper or via USB and I'll get it up on the blog.
Similarly, I'm still looking for any photos and particularly videos from the trip that you may have. These can be used to promote the trip with the younger year groups and give you something to help reflect on your time away. Again, if you could bring these to the PE department on USB or SD card, I can copy them to the school hard drive.
Once all the photos have been collated, I'll look in to making them accessible for everyone.
Mr. Carstairs
PE Dept.