Mr Charity's Family are organising a raffle and will be selling tickets in the coming weeks once prizes are finalised. They are still appealing for high-quality prizes, so if you think you can help please get in touch via Even if you can't donate a prize remember you will be able to buy tickets soon!

Mr Adam's Family will be participating in a sponsored 5km run later this months.
Miss Smith and Miss Grant's Families will be working together to organise an end of term Christmas Party for the S1 and S2 pupils at JGHS.
Miss Campbell's Family will be hosting an "Art Attack" event by selling off sections of wall space in Warrender and Spylaw to be painted by pupils before we move into the new school building next year.
Mr Warden's Family are yet to decide on their fundraiser due to only having been together for a few weeks, but we are looking forward to seeing what they come up with!
In addition to our Family Fundraisers there has been a lot of discussion about other ideas from bake sales to bag packing, and we are also delighted that some enthusiastic S1/2 pupils will be working with Miss Smith to help raise money to buy shoes for the children on Charles Memorial Primary School.
Of course we are also still appealing for donations as shown in the image below. Some of our S6 have also been our to our cluster Primary schools speak to the children about the project and launch appeals for pencil cases and sports equipment to take over to our partner schools.
Please keep up with our achievements over the next few weeks and keep an eye out for how you can support our efforts!