Friday, 13 December 2013

Presentation to parents

For anybody who missed it, here is a link to Mr McCallum's presentation from October.

Don't forget, the final parents' meeting before the trip is on Tuesday 28th January, at 19:00 in the Dining Centre at Lauderdale.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

WANTED: Volunteers to help with a fundraising project for the soup kitchen at Dloko

Miss Gray is looking for volunteers to help make and sell a CD of the Dloko school choir to raise funds for the soup kitchen.

The CD was recorded in Durban earlier in the year at a professional recording studio who provided the studio time free of charge. The next part of the task is to design a CD cover, make copies and sell as many of these as possible!

If you would be interested in helping out with any aspects of this fundraising activity please see Miss Gray asap.