Thursday, 31 October 2013

Important meetings

Miss Gray's family group - you have to see her today (Thursday 31st) or tomorrow. You are running the bake sale at the S1 parents' evening next week. Please pass this on to anyone who doesn't see it!

School uniform group - join Miss Smith's Edmodo group (code :x2k7rb)

Fundraising group - each of you need to come up with at least 1 fundraising idea for next week. Meet with Mr Alexander and Miss Smith in W23 on Thursday 7th November to discuss fundraising targets and events, and to delegate roles and responsibilities.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Jabulani Project Contact Details

Following on from Isaac's talk today, he asked me to share the contact details for the Jabulani Project with everyone.

He also asked that if anyone has any questions about any aspect of their work in South Africa, or his experiences of the JGHS trip, you can email him at: ansellforsyth (at)